Friday, November 30, 2018 - The Day's Most Fascinating News from Dave Pell
Friday, November 30, 2018
You probably want to sit down for this. Or squat. Or maybe not. If you find a better position, then definitely share it on social media. Everyone else is doing it. Aside from death and taxes (and Trump news), it's the topic we most share in common. And talking about it is all the rage these days. So while every other publication is leading with stories about Individual One, let's take a moment and talk about Number Two. From The Guardian: Bowel movement: the push to change the way you poo. "It's the banal Squatty Potty that's doing the most to change not just how people discuss poop, but how they actually do it. 'It's piercing that final veil around bodily use and bodily functions,' Barbara Penner, professor of architectural humanities at UCL's Bartlett School of Architecture, and one of the preeminent scholars of the modern bathroom, told me. Perhaps it's because this small, unlovely stool embodies a grand ambition: to upend two centuries of western orthodoxy about going to the loo." (Full disclosure: I'm a middle-aged Jewish male. Nothing about this discussion is piercing any veils for me. When my dad first sat me down to have the father-son talk, it was about Metamucil.)
"In two major developments this week, President Trump has been labeled in the parlance of criminal investigations as a major subject of interest, complete with an opaque legal code name: Individual 1." That lede from WaPo is understated in a way that could only be possible after two years of absorbing news that is not normal. Trump emerges as a central subject of Mueller probe.
+ "A candidate for the Presidency, throughout his primary campaign, was actively pursuing a business deal that required a favor from the President of a rival nation." (Just stop and think about that for a second. This part is a given and admitted by all at this point.) Adam Davidson (who has followed Trump's finances and international deals for years) in The New Yorker with another understated headline: Michael Cohen's Disclosures Raise Serious Questions About Donald Trump and His Business Interests.
+ Long after every other bank stopped taking Donald Trump's calls, Deutsche Bank kept giving him massive loans. Their officers were just raided in connection with a money laundering investigation. (At this point, Follow the Money is not an investigative technique, it's an extreme endurance sport.)
What to Book: "History suggests that tolerance of inequality and failing to control excessive corporate power may prompt the rise of populism, nationalism, extremist politicians, and fascist regimes." (Check, check, check, and check.) The excellent Tim Wu with a perfectly-timed book: The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age. (Need more reading? The NYT just listed its 10 best books of 2018.)
+ What to Bump: Jeff Ross. Dave Attell. And everything that entails. A new comedy series on Netflix featuring two old friends ripping each other and everyone else during an intimate and pretty informal comedy duet. Bumping Mics.
+ What to Picture: The latest edition of California Sunday Magazine is made up a series of photo essays that show the way people live. The Way Home.
"I was just working and then within a half a second, I could tell this was bigger than anything I'd been in before, and it wasn't going to stop." There are signs of extensive damage following a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit just outside of Anchorage. An early tsunami warning has been canceled. Here's the latest from CNN.
"The sheer amount of time the attackers had inside the system—four years in all—likely made the breach much worse than it otherwise might have been. Time gives attackers the ability to chip away at defenses, or simply learn more about a system to understand where the valuable data is." Another day, another massive data breach. This time, Marriott got hacked (and hacked and hacked). Hundreds of millions of people may have been affected. Wired: How To Protect Yourself From The Giant Marriott Hack. (Among other things, this story is a reminder of just how big some companies have become in recent years. Hundreds of millions is a lot of customers.)
"But what's often lost in the conversation about the uptick in mortality in the US is that this trend isn't affecting all Americans. In fact, there's one group in the US that's actually doing better than ever: the rich. While poor and middle-class Americans are dying earlier, the wealthiest among us are enjoying unprecedented longevity." Vox: What the dip in US life expectancy is really about: inequality.
"Earlier this week, a 9-year-old California girl named Riley Morrison wrote an open letter to Curry, posted online by her father, in which she says she was disappointed to see the shoes were listed only for boys. 'I know you support girl athletes because you have two daughters and you host an all-girls basketball camp,' she wrote. 'I hope you can work with Under Armour to change this because girls want to rock the Curry 5's too.'" Bloomberg: Steph Curry Tells Under Armour to Market His Shoes to Girls. (More accurately, he passed the message along...)
+ Leaning Tower of Pisa Corrects Itself ... a Little.
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Trump and Xi clash at the virtual UNGA; FinCEN leaks reveal the power of hidden money. Tonight's Sentences was written by Benjamin Rosenberg. TOP NEWS UN General Assembly kicks off amid multiple global crises Spencer Platt/Getty Images The 75th General Assembly of the United Nations began this week in New York, though most leaders are delivering remarks remotely. President Donald Trump again blamed China and the World Health Organization, from which he has begun to withdraw the US, for the spread of Covid-19. [ NPR / Scott Neuman ] The WHO is just the latest UN agency that Trump has pulled out of; he withdrew from the Human Rights Council in 2018, among others. A second Trump term could cast the future of the UN, which celebrates its 75th ...
Facebook accused of discrimination in advertising; UN criticizes Trump's proclamation of Israel sovereignty over Golan Heights. Tonight's Sentences was written by Fareehan Elgakhlab. TOP NEWS Facebook accused of enabling housing bias Mark Boster/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images The Department of Housing and Urban Development is suing Facebook for alleged housing discrimination by allowing advertisers to use tools to choose groups to include or exclude from seeing ads — including groups based on "ethnic affinities" and gender. [ The Verge / Russell Brandom ] That, combined with the company's own ability to determine who can see certain ads, puts Facebook in violation of the Fair Housing Act, HUD argues. [ ...
Down 10 percent A email Friday, September 28, 2018 By Oliver Roeder You're reading Significant Digits, a daily digest of the numbers tucked inside the news. Down 10 percent The Securities and Exchange Commission is suing Elon Musk in federal court. The lawsuit has to do with Musk's now-infamous tweet in which he was "considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured." It's those last two words that have caused a problem with the SEC. "In truth and in fact, Musk had not even discussed, much less confirmed, key deal terms, including price, with any potential funding source," says the SEC suit. Tesla stock dropped 10 percent following the news. [ The New York Times ] $500,000 CC Sabathia, the Yankees pitcher, was ejected from a game yesterday for beaning a batter in the sixth inning. Sabathia had entered the game with 148 innings pitched on the season — seven more and he'd have triggered a $500,000 bonus in...
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